Welcome to Catholic Household! I'm Mommy Ching, a proud mother of five beautiful children, residing in the heart of the Philippines. Since 2012, our family has embarked on an incredible journey of homeschooling, embracing the values of faith, education, and family unity.

As devout Catholics, we strive to embody the teachings of our faith each day. Our family strives each day to prioritize attending the sacrament of Holy Mass and cherishing the comforting embrace of the Holy Rosary as vital anchors in our daily lives, nurturing our spiritual growth.

Life's challenges are ever-present, especially as my husband, Noel, works tirelessly as our family's sole provider. Despite financial constraints, we are committed to leading a life of dignity and virtue, trusting in God's providence and praying for abundance to fulfill our family's needs and extend a helping hand to others in need.

Our blog serves as a sanctuary of daily reflection, prayer, and inspiration for our family and fellow believers. Here, we share our homeschooling journey, offering practical tips, curriculum recommendations, and resources for families navigating the homeschooling path.

Additionally, I'm passionate about sharing the wisdom and insights gained from the books I've read. Through simple and accessible summaries, I aim to empower readers to explore the depths of Catholic literature and deepen their understanding of the faith.

Join us on this transformative journey as we strive to build a strong Catholic household, rooted in faith, love, and service to others.
