
Finding Strength in Seasons of Light and Darkness

 We all experience seasons of peace where everything seems to flow effortlessly and times of intense trial when doubts and fears creep in. In moments of peace, it’s easy to feel invincible, confident in our abilities and decisions. But the true test of our character often emerges in times of struggle, when the world feels like it’s closing in and the warmth of clarity and certainty is momentarily withdrawn.

The words, “He who is too sure in time of peace, will often show himself to be downcast or fearful in time of war,” resonate deeply with me. They remind us that if we rely too heavily on our strength in good times, we may falter when challenges arise. This has been a lesson I’ve returned to time and again. During times of peace, it’s natural to feel secure, perhaps even a bit too self-assured. But when trials come, it becomes clear how essential it is to cultivate a spirit of humility, remaining grounded and modest, even when life seems easy.

I’ve learned that a humble heart is a prepared heart. If we can walk humbly and stay mindful of our limitations during peaceful times, we can face challenges with courage and resilience. This humility allows us to lean into God’s guidance, not just when we’re thriving, but especially when we feel lost or uncertain. For me, this has meant choosing to be mindful of my thoughts, actions, and the state of my heart, preparing for both seasons of joy and trials.

“It is a good counsel, that you, having conceived the spirit of fervour, consider that which will befall you when that light shall be taken from you.” This reminds me of the importance of preparing spiritually, even during the times when God’s presence feels vivid and near. In times of spiritual light and fervor, we’re often full of passion and strength, able to face any challenge. But we must be prepared for the moments when that clarity fades, when God seems distant, and the road ahead appears unclear. Rather than fearing this season, it’s helpful to see it as a time of growth — a period to deepen our faith, rooted not in feelings, but in trust.

When the light does dim, as it inevitably will at times, I remind myself of this wisdom: “Remember that the light which I have withdrawn from you for a time, for your instruction and my glory, may return again.” God sometimes steps back to allow us the chance to grow, to learn, to trust Him even in the silence. I’ve come to understand that these periods are not punishments but are moments meant to stretch us spiritually. It’s a reminder that God’s presence is not tied to our emotions or perceptions. The light may be withdrawn temporarily, but He never truly leaves us.

For anyone facing a time of darkness, remember that this season is not forever. Just as day follows night, God’s light and presence will return. Lean into His promise, hold fast to humility, and trust that every moment — both the bright and the dim — serves a purpose in God’s hands. Let us walk with hearts that are humble in peace, trusting and resilient in trials, and always aware that God is using every season to shape us into who we are meant to be.
