Being holy means being faithful to the way things are set up by God and going along with whatever He's doing. This idea covers the whole idea of being really good and following God's rules. It was true for all the good people in the old days, like St. Joseph and Mary. 


Imagine a time when there were no self-help books, no life coaches, and no Google searches for guidance. That's how it was for our ancestors. They had to rely solely on their faith and intuition to navigate life's twists and turns. In those days, spirituality wasn't about following a step-by-step plan; it was about staying true to what they believed God wanted for them. 

Nowadays, with all the complexities of modern life, it's easy to feel overwhelmed and seek guidance from various sources. But back then, life was simpler. People didn't have a roadmap for spiritual growth; instead, they lived each moment with a deep sense of purpose and duty. 

Think of it like this: each day was like a blank canvas, waiting to be painted with acts of devotion and service. Their minds were like clocks, ticking away, always ready to respond to God's call, no matter what hour it was. 

Now, let's talk about Mary—the epitome of simplicity and devotion. When the angel appeared to her, she didn't need a theological degree to understand God's will. Her response, "Let it be done to me according to your word," was a testament to her unwavering faith and obedience. 

Mary's life wasn't glamorous. She didn't seek fame or fortune. Instead, she found joy in doing God's will, whether it was in the mundane tasks of daily life or the extraordinary moments of divine intervention. Her heart overflowed with gratitude for the opportunity to serve God, finding fulfillment in His love alone. 


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