🌟 Is Homeschooling a Costly Option? Let's Dive Into Our Experience! 🌟


As a homeschooling parent, one question I hear constantly is, "Is homeschooling expensive?" Let me share our journey and some insights that might surprise you!

In the Philippines, there are two main types of homeschoolers: those enrolled with a DepEd-accredited homeschool provider and independent homeschoolers. My family falls into the latter category. We have children in high school, kindergarten, and preschool, all learning at their own pace, tailored to their unique needs.

Why Independent Homeschooling Works for Us:

  1. Customized Curriculum: We choose our own textbooks and materials for each year. This flexibility allows us to select resources that best fit our children’s learning styles and interests.

  2. Flexible Schedule: Without the pressure of submission deadlines, we can spread out schoolwork throughout the year. This approach gives our kids time to enjoy extracurricular activities, like their active involvement in the Catholic Youth Organization.

  3. Cost-Effective Choices: Our homeschooling expenses are relatively low because we use second-hand books from fellow homeschoolers and leverage free or affordable online resources. It’s amazing how many quality materials are available if you look for them!

Examples from Our Journey:

  • Balancing Academics and Activities: My high schooler loves Language Arts, so we found a fantastic, free curriculum from The Good and The Beautiful that dives deep into literature and writing. We also use materials from Seton Home Study, which were generously handed down by our homeschooling friends.

  • Extracurricular Excellence: Our kids participate in choir and sports through their youth ministry. These activities not only enrich their education but also provide excellent socialization opportunities with peers who share their interests.

  • PEPT and ALS: To ensure our children’s education is recognized, we consider options like the Philippine Educational Placement Test (PEPT) and the Alternative Learning System (ALS). This way, they can seamlessly transition to regular school or college when the time comes.

Our Success Stories:

We are proud to share that our two older kids are now in senior high school, accepted in two different regular schools using their ALS credentials. This transition showcases the effectiveness of our homeschooling approach and their hard work.

I will share more about the Alternative Learning System in an upcoming post.

Our Take on Homeschooling Costs:

Homeschooling, especially independently, can be as affordable or as expensive as you make it. For us, it’s incredibly cost-effective. By utilizing second-hand books from friends and free online resources, we've been able to provide a high-quality education without excessive spending. This approach has significantly helped us manage our budget, which is crucial as we are a single-income family.

So, is homeschooling costly? For our family, the answer is a resounding no. In fact, it’s the perfect fit for us, offering an excellent and comprehensive education at a fraction of the cost.

What are your ways of making your homeschooling affordable? Feel free to share your experiences in the comments below! Let’s connect and support each other in this incredible journey of education and growth.

#Homeschooling #Education #IndependentLearning #AffordableEducation #HomeschoolingPhilippines #ParentingJourney #FlexibleLearning
