Finding Strength in Seasons of Light and Darkness
We all experience seasons of peace where everything seems to flow effortlessly and times of intense trial when doubts and fears creep in. In moments of peace, it’s easy to feel invincible, confident in our abilities and decisions. But the true test of our character often emerges in times of struggle, when the world feels like it’s closing in and the warmth of clarity and certainty is momentarily withdrawn. The words, “He who is too sure in time of peace, will often show himself to be downcast or fearful in time of war,” resonate deeply with me. They remind us that if we rely too heavily on our strength in good times, we may falter when challenges arise. This has been a lesson I’ve returned to time and again. During times of peace, it’s natural to feel secure, perhaps even a bit too self-assured. But when trials come, it becomes clear how essential it is to cultivate a spirit of humility, remaining grounded and modest, even when life seems easy. I’ve learned that a humble heart is...